Messy hospitality

In Replenish: Leading From A Healthy Soul , author Lance Witt asks a question that goes something like this: 'When do you feel most fulfilled?' After pondering that question for myself, I came up with a few different answers...... when my kids finally 'get' a concept in school that I've been teaching them for MONTHS , then I feel fulfilled. When I come to the end of a long to-do list, when it's complete, then I feel fulfilled. I also feel fulfilled when I use my gift of hospitality to host people in our home for a weekly Bible Study or a meal or for an overnight stay. But even though we host a Bible Study group in our home every Monday night, it doesn't always mean that my house is ready. I try hard to have the house vacuumed, the bathroom cleaned, the kitchen floor swept (I won't even talk about mopping.....), snacks ready, dishes washed and put away.... but not all of those things happen every time (and I'm not flying solo trying to get these ...