
Today, I am tired. I look around and wonder what I have accomplished....... I guess I could start with 'keeping two small humans alive and fed and clothed and schooled'. And then there's the laundry that is washed and dried (and sitting next to me waiting to be folded) :-) I made the bed, spend some time with the Lord, made breakfast, exercised, took a shower, taught school, made lunch, read with the kids and now they're watching a show before it's quiet time.......... then I'll do the dishes, make dinner and get ready to go to my home school Mom's support group where we enjoy HOT coffee (sans children) and share about our lives and our home schooling joys and frustrations. I try to remind myself that someday my children will be grown and gone and I won't be as tired...... but I also won't have as many opportunities for snuggles and craft projects gone awry (GLITTER, GLITTER EVERYWHERE!) and sweet times in God's Word during family devotions. T...