
Today, I have piles of laundry on my couch......... so much that it takes up my ENTIRE COUCH! I started washing laundry at 8:00 this morning and it's just after 12 noon and I still have a load in the wash and dryer and two more loads that need to be dried...... I fear that pretty soon my couch will start sagging..... Am I thankful for laundry? Not most days. Most days, I look at laundry as a mundane task that is repeated numerous times throughout the week...... day in and day out, just like washing the dishes or planning the meals and feeding the millions of hungry people who live in my house.... (okay, so there are only four of us but with the amount of food my children consume, sometimes it feels like I'm feeding a HUGE group that showed up unannounced)! What does laundry really mean? It means that my Mom (Nana) came and stayed with the kids for a week. It means that she washed our clothes and folded them while we were gone. It means that Rodney and I went to a prayer c...