

Today, I have piles of laundry on my couch......... so much that it takes up my ENTIRE COUCH! I started washing laundry at 8:00 this morning and it's just after 12 noon and I still have a load in the wash and dryer and two more loads that need to be dried...... I fear that pretty soon my couch will start sagging..... Am I thankful for laundry? Not most days. Most days, I look at laundry as a mundane task that is repeated numerous times throughout the week...... day in and day out, just like washing the dishes or planning the meals and feeding the millions of hungry people who live in my house.... (okay, so there are only four of us but with the amount of food my children consume, sometimes it feels like I'm feeding a HUGE group that showed up unannounced)! What does laundry really mean? It means that my Mom (Nana) came and stayed with the kids for a week. It means that she washed our clothes and folded them while we were gone. It means that Rodney and I went to a prayer c...

Dear Self

Dear Self: Today did not happen the way that I envisioned it would when I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling this morning. Maybe that's because I turned off my 6:00am alarm and let myself sleep until 6:45........ so in my estimation, I got started 'behind'. The kids were up when I got up....... I made breakfast....... I exercised......I took a shower......I changed the sheets on the beds and started a load of laundry.......I put dinner in the crockpot........ and then I looked at the clock........ it was 10am...... the kids had been playing happily (without arguing) so I let them play. Perhaps that wasn't what I thought of when my day started 'behind' but maybe that was what was needed today. We read the Bible, in 1 Samuel 26 and talked about David not killing King Saul, even though David was close enough to do it and Saul wanted to kill him..... we talked about David recognizing that God is the one who brings Justice....... we continued our read aloud c...


Today, I am tired. I look around and wonder what I have accomplished....... I guess I could start with 'keeping two small humans alive and fed and clothed and schooled'. And then there's the laundry that is washed and dried (and sitting next to me waiting to be folded) :-) I made the bed, spend some time with the Lord, made breakfast, exercised, took a shower, taught school, made lunch, read with the kids and now they're watching a show before it's quiet time.......... then I'll do the dishes, make dinner and get ready to go to my home school Mom's support group where we enjoy  HOT coffee (sans children) and share about our lives and our home schooling joys and frustrations. I try to remind myself that someday my children will be grown and gone and I won't be as tired...... but I also won't have as many opportunities for snuggles and craft projects gone awry (GLITTER, GLITTER EVERYWHERE!) and sweet times in God's Word during family devotions. T...

You are not God's answer for everything

I love to serve; I love to practice hospitality. I love to help others who have needs. I don't say this to brag....... these are the gifts that God has given me and I enjoy using them to advance His Kingdom. When we lived overseas, I enjoyed hosting people in our home for meals and for overnight stays and we do the same in our home here in the US. But sometimes, there are so many needs........ they are all legitimate and I want to help in any way I can...... but sometimes, I have to say, "No"....... and that's hard for me. Recently, there have been several big needs that I have been made aware of and I'm trying to figure out how to help and care for all of them. Then, my wise husband gently reminded me that "I am not God's answer for everything." That was a very profound statement for me........ was I being selfish in wanting to meet every need? Perhaps. Was I bringing each of the needs before the Lord and asking Him which one (or two) He wa...


 America........ how I pray for recent days there have been displays of violence, unrest, hatred.......... our country needs Jesus. As a parent, what can I do? I look at the faces of my children and realize that they are growing up in an America that is different from the one I grew up in. Much has changed in 34 years and more will change as my children continue to grow....... but what can I do to help those 'changes' be for the better? I can pray...... I can pray for my country, I can pray for our leaders in local government and for those in Washington........ I can pray for my pastor as he takes a stand and preaches THE ENTIRE WORD OF GOD, not just what will make people happy or is 'politically correct'. I can pray for those who choose to express their viewpoints in ways that bring harm and fear and pain to others....... I can teach...... I can teach my Deuteronomy 6:6-7 I am reminded, "And these words which I command ...

A reminder of Jesus

I started out the weekend by straining my back (not the best way to start the weekend!).... but our chiropractor isn't open on Saturdays so I limped through the weekend and called first thing this morning (Monday) to see if there were any openings available. I called as soon as the office opened at 8:00 and was told that the first available appointment was 10:00. So I made breakfast for the kids, made sure everyone was at least dressed in something presentable and managed to make it to the chiropractor a few minutes early :-) I have discovered that when I'm in pain, I tend to not care so much about what I look like or if I have make-up on or if my hair is done..... I just want to feel better! After the chiropractor worked on me for a good 30 minutes, I could finally stand up straight and not feel like I was walking around like a goose with my tail stuck out..... (if you've seen Disney's Aristocats, the term 'think goose' applied to my walking stance this weeke...

Messy hospitality

In Replenish: Leading From A Healthy Soul , author Lance Witt asks a question that goes something like this: 'When do you feel most fulfilled?' After pondering that question for myself, I came up with a few different answers...... when my kids finally 'get' a concept in school that I've been teaching them for MONTHS , then I feel fulfilled. When I come to the end of a long to-do list, when it's complete, then I feel fulfilled. I also feel fulfilled when I use my gift of hospitality to host people in our home for a weekly Bible Study or a meal or for an overnight stay. But even though we host a Bible Study group in our home every Monday night, it doesn't always mean that my house is ready. I try hard to have the house vacuumed, the bathroom cleaned, the kitchen floor swept (I won't even talk about mopping.....), snacks ready, dishes washed and put away.... but not all of those things happen every time (and I'm not flying solo trying to get these ...