A reminder of Jesus

I started out the weekend by straining my back (not the best way to start the weekend!).... but our chiropractor isn't open on Saturdays so I limped through the weekend and called first thing this morning (Monday) to see if there were any openings available. I called as soon as the office opened at 8:00 and was told that the first available appointment was 10:00. So I made breakfast for the kids, made sure everyone was at least dressed in something presentable and managed to make it to the chiropractor a few minutes early :-)

I have discovered that when I'm in pain, I tend to not care so much about what I look like or if I have make-up on or if my hair is done..... I just want to feel better! After the chiropractor worked on me for a good 30 minutes, I could finally stand up straight and not feel like I was walking around like a goose with my tail stuck out..... (if you've seen Disney's Aristocats, the term 'think goose' applied to my walking stance this weekend).

As I was driving home from my appointment, I was reflecting on how grateful I was that the chiropractor had an opening so that he could fit me into his schedule. I thanked the Lord that He gave each of us the ability to use our gifts and talents to help others. And then I had this thought: the Lord always has a opening in His schedule for me, just for me. I don't have to wait until 8:00am on Monday morning to call and make an appointment, crossing my fingers, hoping that He can 'fit me in'.... I have access to the Creator of the universe 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, day or night. And He doesn't want me to wait until I'm all cleaned up to come to Him....He loves me and accepts me just as I am. He is the one who cleans me up and takes care of my pain. 
I was thankful today for this earthly, physical reminder that God loves and cares for His children. And I am blessed to be one of them!


  1. You reminded me that I need to leave room in my schedule for God, my wife, and my kids:) Rodney


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