Missionary Mom Musings

I am a missionary wife and homeschooling mom, so many of the posts on this blog will fit into these categories. This is a space for me to share life's hardships and joys in the hopes that others will be encouraged.

Sometimes, as a mom, I can have doubts and feel that my abilities are 'not up to par'. I often question myself and my decisions, asking and wondering if I am doing enough, wondering if I am teaching my children enough, if I am teaching them the 'right' things that they will need in order to lead successful, productive lives.

And other times, I wonder why I doubt my own abilities. God has uniquely gifted me with the right tools to teach and train and equip my children, to manage my household, to support and love my husband as he works on airplanes (which he loves!). God has also blessed me with the gift of hospitality, which I seek to use for His Glory every chance I get!

Right now, I am reading two great books! One is called "Mastering Life Before It's Too Late: 10 Biblical Strategies for a Lifetime of Purpose' by Robert J. Morgan and the other is called 'Different: The Story of an Outside-the-Box Kid and the Mom Who Loved Him' by Sally Clarkson and Nathan Clarkson. I will share different bits from these books on this blog as they have both spoken to my heart.

Today, I will leave you with a quote from 'Mastering Life'....... "We should train ourselves to count our blessings, minimize our complaints, rejoice in the Lord, and obey the words of Jesus, 'Be of good cheer.'" This is something that I need to remember to do: EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. (especially on the hard days.) If I count my blessings, minimize complaints, rejoice in the Lord and remember to 'be of good cheer', my days will be more fulfilling.


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