My main ministry

As a mom, I wear lots of hats. I make food for my family, keep the house clean, wash laundry and dishes, write newsletters and thank-you notes, plan ministry trips, attend Bible Study, host Bible Study, attend church, take the kids to gymnastics and karate....... you get the idea :-) My family are wonderful helpers and we all serve and work together and that is a great joy and blessing.

But sometimes, I find myself *feeling* like I should be doing more...... like I need another job, something I can do from home. Why? Because I get jealous and become discontent...... I spend too much time on Facebook looking at what other people have or where people are going on vacation or....... Do I need any of those things? No! Our lives are so incredibly blessed; we have a beautiful home, working vehicles, plenty of food to eat (and friends to share our table with), clothing, wonderful times of vacation with family, etc.

Before Rodney and I ever got married, we knew that when we had kids, we wanted me to be able to stay at home and raise them. It was important to us that I could stay at home to teach and nurture our children....... and it still is! But sometimes, I can lose the focus of my ministry; my ministry is caring for my husband, my children and my home.

In the book 'Different', Sally Clarkson reminded me of this wonderful ministry that I have been called to. She says, "I often thought of my role in our home as that of a conductor of God's beautiful music there- planning and directing the details of atmosphere and activity in ways that would convey His love, His mercy, and His grace to all who entered my home."

This week, I am going to be intentional about making my home a place that conveys God's love, mercy and grace. This is my ministry and I will joyfully be content to serve where God has called me!


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