
Yesterday, I took something over to a friend's house and she invited me to stay for a bit, after apologizing for the house being messy..... (have you seen MY house lately?!)  The kids played together and she sat down to nurse her baby. As we talked, I saw baskets of laundry sitting on her couch and since I was just sitting there talking to her, I pulled a basket of laundry over and started to fold the clothes. Rather than stopping me with a comment like "Oh, it's okay. You don't have to do that" (which is how I would have responded), she said, "Thank you so much for folding my laundry!" and continued the conversation. 

I learned a great lesson in that moment; I need to be more like her. I have a very difficult time accepting help, especially when I NEED the help! It's a pride issue, one that I have found hard to overcome, one that I constantly need to bring before the Lord. I love to give, I love to do things for others...... but I need to be gracious to receive when others give and do things for me. When I folded laundry yesterday, I met a need for my friend, but I was also blessed. Let me ask you this question: when was the last time you felt blessed by folding laundry? I felt blessed because I was able to help my friend in a tangible way and she didn't take that blessing from me by saying 'No'.

And then I thought about Jesus...... He wants to be invited into our lives, even if they are messy (and my life is certainly messy!)..... He wants to sit and listen and talk to us....... and He wants to help us. How often do I say, "No, it's okay, I can do it."'s in those moments that I rob myself of the blessing that He wants to bestow upon me.

 As I am blessed to give and do things for others, may I learn to accept the help of others and allow them the joy of receiving the blessing as well.


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