What does God want me to do?

In the book "Different" by Sally Clarkson and her son, Nathan, Sally makes this statement near the end of Chapter 11. "...all of us need to feel that ultimately our lives matter and that the desires of our hearts are placed there by God in order to lead us to the Kingdom work He would have us fulfill."

As a Mom, I often wonder what Kingdom work God will ask my children to fulfill...... and then I wonder how I can prepare them for that work. Well, it isn't up to me entirely, it's up to God to work in their hearts and prepare them for the Kingdom work that He wants them to do. But my role as a Mom is to pray for them each day, that they will listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit and that they will be sensitive to His leading in their lives. This is an area where I need to be more consistent.... I need to pray every single day for my kids! First, that they will be sensitive to the Lord's leading and second, that I will be sensitive to the things that I need to be teaching on a daily basis to give them a good, Biblical foundation for life.

Homeschooling affords our family the wonderful opportunity to incorporate spiritual teaching and lessons into our academic learning. We always start the day by reading one chapter of the Bible and then we talk about what we read. Sometimes, the kids have a few questions and then we continue on with the rest of our lessons, but other days, we can spend an hour or more talking about the one chapter that we read in the Bible that morning. It is my prayer that, as I learn alongside my kids (especially during these times) that God will use these moments to bring a realization of the desires in my kids' hearts that are placed there by God in order to lead them to the Kingdom work He would have them fulfill.


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