Directionally challenged?

For those who know me, truer words were never spoken. I am quite possibly the most directionally challenged (did I just make up a new word?) person you will ever meet! I don't do North, South, East and West. My language is 'turn left at the Wal-Mart' and 'look for the purple house on the corner'. And if I were a pilot, this would be my story, flying 3,728 miles IN THE WRONG DIRECTION !! . Fortunately for me, I'm not the pilot in the family; that would be my amazing husband who is MUCH better with directions than I am :-) For example, I tried to give someone directions yesterday, and after I got off the phone, I told hubby that he should call back to make sure my directions were correct (which they weren't!). Thank goodness one of us in the family knows how to get places without getting lost....... did I mention that my GPS and I are best friends? Anyway, th...