But I had it all planned out..........

Our family enjoyed participating in a homeschool convention this weekend; it's a great time of refreshment for my husband and me (especially at the end of the school year) and our kids LOVE the children's program that is offered. It's always a blessing to know that the kids are well taken care of, allowing the two of us time to be refreshed, browse curriculum and spend some time together thinking (and praying) about the next school year.

I was going to be ahead of the game this year, so I planned out all the curriculum that I wanted to use and looked in the Exhibit Hall for those vendors since they offer special pricing, discounts, free shipping, etc. at most conventions. We also had a great list of speakers to choose from, most (if not all) are/were homeschool parents and they offered a great deal of encouragement and insight as they have traveled this journey before us.

We decided to attend one particular workshop on the first day, because we were intrigued by the title and description; we felt it could help our son who is still working on gaining mastery in grade level reading. Well, as the Lord would have it, this dear woman was EXACTLY what we needed and we ended up going to ALL of her sessions over the course of the 2 day convention! We left with hope and some great tools to implement both now and during next school year. And, we ended up going with a completely different curriculum that I had originally selected :-)

Why do I share all of this? Because I am a planner! I like to have all of my ducks in a row, I like to know what is going to happen several months in advance....... and God totally changed my direction in regards to school curriculum next year.

 I've found that He has a wonderful way of giving us what we need, when we need it, if we are willing to trust His plans and His timing. Now, it's good to plan and make decisions, but I am learning to live with an open hand as I pray over decisions that I make...... because often times, God surprises me with something a whole lot better!


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