
Showing posts from August, 2017


 America........ how I pray for recent days there have been displays of violence, unrest, hatred.......... our country needs Jesus. As a parent, what can I do? I look at the faces of my children and realize that they are growing up in an America that is different from the one I grew up in. Much has changed in 34 years and more will change as my children continue to grow....... but what can I do to help those 'changes' be for the better? I can pray...... I can pray for my country, I can pray for our leaders in local government and for those in Washington........ I can pray for my pastor as he takes a stand and preaches THE ENTIRE WORD OF GOD, not just what will make people happy or is 'politically correct'. I can pray for those who choose to express their viewpoints in ways that bring harm and fear and pain to others....... I can teach...... I can teach my Deuteronomy 6:6-7 I am reminded, "And these words which I command ...

A reminder of Jesus

I started out the weekend by straining my back (not the best way to start the weekend!).... but our chiropractor isn't open on Saturdays so I limped through the weekend and called first thing this morning (Monday) to see if there were any openings available. I called as soon as the office opened at 8:00 and was told that the first available appointment was 10:00. So I made breakfast for the kids, made sure everyone was at least dressed in something presentable and managed to make it to the chiropractor a few minutes early :-) I have discovered that when I'm in pain, I tend to not care so much about what I look like or if I have make-up on or if my hair is done..... I just want to feel better! After the chiropractor worked on me for a good 30 minutes, I could finally stand up straight and not feel like I was walking around like a goose with my tail stuck out..... (if you've seen Disney's Aristocats, the term 'think goose' applied to my walking stance this weeke...