
Yesterday, I took something over to a friend's house and she invited me to stay for a bit, after apologizing for the house being messy..... (have you seen MY house lately?!) The kids played together and she sat down to nurse her baby. As we talked, I saw baskets of laundry sitting on her couch and since I was just sitting there talking to her, I pulled a basket of laundry over and started to fold the clothes. Rather than stopping me with a comment like "Oh, it's okay. You don't have to do that" (which is how I would have responded), she said, "Thank you so much for folding my laundry!" and continued the conversation. I learned a great lesson in that moment; I need to be more like her. I have a very difficult time accepting help, especially when I NEED the help! It's a pride issue, one that I have found hard to overcome, one that I constantly need to bring before the Lord. I love to give, I love to do things for others...... but I need to be g...